Friday, September 1st, 2017 19:41:42

Ben & Duggie: Another Level Of Friendship


ben-and-duggieThere are friends and then there are those shadow-selves who will go to any lengths to be with you. They will move mountains and cross oceans to be by your side because you are their person. Incredible footage of a labrador swimming and playing with a dolphin off at Middletown, on Tory Island was captured by a BBC camera crew a few years ago. In Tory Island, off the coast of Ireland, a Labrador named Ben swims out to the harbour every day to go and meet his best friend. His best friend’s name is Duggie, and you wouldn’t believe it, but Duggie’s a dolphin.

 Duggie the dolphin is a resident of the Tory Island in the Atlantic Ocean. When her dolphin mate passed away, she stayed in the waters off the Donegal coast where she lost her partner. However, she soon met Ben, the swimmer champion who returned the lost shine to Duggie’s life.
ben-n-duggie-2Duggie has now been coming back to the harbour for ten years, and it doesn’t look like she’ll be leaving her canine friend anytime soon. When the dog exhausts himself swimming for hours, Duggie helps bring him back to shore. Locals told the company, that Doogie, a female dolphin was first spotted in Middletown harbor in 2006 after the dead body of another dolphin appeared onshore. The locals believe that Doogie was grieving for her mate, and that is why she started to come into the harbor.
ben-n-duggie-3And since then the two have been inseparable! They spend their days swimming and playing – sometimes for three hours straight! Ben’s owner, Pat Doohan said.
dog-swimmingIn a video taken by National Geographic documenting the pair’s friendship, you can see Ben running up to the harbour and jumping into the water where he swims to meet the friendly local bottle-nosed dolphin, Duggie.


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