Wednesday, September 6th, 2017 13:44:19

Dalit Movement in India

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The Brahmins have very systematically deprived the Dalits from their own land and resources. However, since no dominant ideology goes unchallenged, and the exercise of power involves resistance, the dominant Brahmanical ideology of caste is also being resisted by a small group, that took the shape of Dalit Movement. Thus, it was the few educated Dalits who organized the majority to begin the movement. Indian structure has become pyramidal – the top place is occupied by the minority Brahmins‘ sitting at the topmost position in every Department, and the bottom is occupied by the majority non-Brahmins‘ pushed to the low-grade manual works. In a Marxist connotation, the Brahmin superstucture‘is controlling the mode of production, in order to exploit the Dalit base‘, through ideology inflicted in people‘s mind through cultural hegemony‘. And the major role in this is played by the writers who are writing with the touch of a Brahmanism.

Dalit Movement , a social revolution aimed for social change, replacing the age old hierarchical Indian society , based on the democratic ideals of liberty ,equality and social justice , has begun much earlier , became intense in the 1970s and began to deem at present. One reason behind this, as pointed out by some academicians are not paying much attention. Books on Dalit Movement are written but these books do not reflect the actual things and are written keeping in view the Brahmin elites. No one want to confront with those who have power. Besides, the minds of the people are brahmanised through hegemony. Yet another vital issue is that the movement lack people from all the communities of Dalits. For instance, in Maharashtra, the Mahars dominated the movement. The other Dalit communities like the Mangs, Chamars were not actively involved in the Movement.

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At present there are many new issues cropping up in terms of Dalits. The Dalits who got power became the dolls in the hands of the Brahmins. Many of them tend to imitate the Brahmins changing their surnames and thus identity. They are ashamed of being called Dalits which make them to discriminate against their own kith and kins. Ponit needs to be noted that Dalit Movement is against Brahmanism and not Brahmins. The Brahminism is a mental state which accepts superiority of one man over another man. It gives more respect and profit for the caste which is up in the ladder of caste system, and as it goes down the ladder, resources and respect also decreases. It‘s contribution for the Dalits which is lowest of all the castes is nothing but exploitation, jeering and slavery.

This mental state of Brahminism not only exists in Brahmins but also in Shudras, who simply shapes up the ideas of Brahmanical practices without testing them with scientific temperament and reasoning. India got independence but the Dalits are humiliated even now. Untouchability is abolished but injustice practices are not. Education is the only remedy for such discrimination. Thus the Movement for social change will succeed only when all the Dalits unite together to fight for equality. However they should accept that caste that is deeply rooted in peoples mind cannot be erased. So here social change would mean to get rid of discriminatory practices and get rights, necessary for the upliftment of the backward section of society-the Dalits.


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